Different Worlds – Different Perspectives

Different Worlds – Different Perspectives

Let’s face it, being human can be tough for many people, the challenges, the pain and the suffering.  We find ways to cope and numb the pain. When we begin to be aware of ourselves and the external world it gets even more confusing. Who are we? Why is there so...
We Have Many Voices Talking to Us!    Who are You Listening to?

We Have Many Voices Talking to Us! Who are You Listening to?

We have many selves. Some are loud and in our head most often and others are subdued and quiet and you may not even know they are there if your other selves are extremely loud. These selves were born out of survival of our early upbringing. They are called ‘survival...
Why Self-Forgiveness is not as Easy as Forgiving Others.

Why Self-Forgiveness is not as Easy as Forgiving Others.

When we forgive others there is a clear definition of our roles. One is the victim and one is the perpetrator. When we are forgiving ourselves we are one in the same and it can get confusing, this contributes to it being more difficult to forgive ourselves. We are the...
Separation is the opposite of Oneness (The Human Experience)

Separation is the opposite of Oneness (The Human Experience)

Separation. This is why we came to exist here on Earth, to experience the complete opposite of Oneness. Then we would fully know what Oneness is because we have experienced the opposite, Separation. Fear, judgment, anger, blame, resentment, bitterness, jealousy…....