No … not THAT F word!
This message is definitely safe for work, and family, though family isn’t the F word I have in mind, either. It’s not even Freedom, or Fun, though those are definite side effects of the word we need to talk about:
I know, I know. You’ve heard a lot about forgiveness already. You might even cringe when you read it, or think “here we go again, she’s going to tell me to just Let It Go.”

As a Radical Forgiveness Coach, I know there are a lot of myths about forgiveness out there:
Forgiveness means I have to let them off the hook!
Forgiveness is like saying what they did is ok!
Forgiveness means I have to like them and spend time with them!
Forgiveness takes lots of time and work!
If any of this sounds familiar, I hear you! The first time I met a forgiveness coach I thought, “No way! I’m not going to open up old wounds after all the work I did coming to terms with my pain.”
But the truth was, my pain wasn’t healed, it was just stuffed down so deep that I could mostly ignore it, except when it boiled over without warning. I knew I was on a healing pathway, but I also knew something was missing. I was searching for a way to feel more whole.
Forgiveness kept popping up in my life, but each time I sent it packing. I wasn’t interested in learning about it.
It was only when I lived through the grief of seeing my Grandma on her deathbed, that I truly saw how desperately I needed to make a change. She had so much fear and regret over how people saw her. I didn’t want to reach the end of my life filled with regret. I handed myself over to Spirit and told them that I was ready to serve in whatever way was meant for me. I was ready to hear my soul’s guidance.
That’s what I want for you too: To hear your soul’s deepest and most sage insights. I know now that our souls call all of us to forgive those who hurt us – including ourselves – so we don’t keep repeating the same pattern of pain and resentment.
This isn’t about condoning or pardoning another person’s actions, and it absolutely isn’t about forcing yourself to like them, spend time with them, or let them hurt you again! This is about letting your soul guide you forward to a brighter, freer, more whole-hearted way of being.
That’s why I want to invite you to the Worldwide Forgiveness Summit. This is a free event that I created for you, so I can share with you some incredibly powerful forgiveness stories.
I have interviewed various guest experts. Each of them generously agreed to share their own unique story of how forgiveness helped them find happiness, peace, love, and a brand new path of enlightenment, service, and a deep sense of purpose.
Sign up here to watch compelling and totally life-changing interviews with lots of wisdom shared I’m sure you will resonate with.
Thanks for being open to this conversation with me today. I’ll leave you with what a dear friend said to me:
Life is for-giving
I know you’re ready for more ease, joy, and emotional freedom in your life. Here’s that sign up link again, and remember to share this with anyone you know who is ready for a life-changing shift in perspective.
P.S. Stay tuned for my next blog when we’ll tackle the age old question: Does everything happen for a reason?
Besides impacting the lives of others to ‘be real and love life’ the most powerful thing about the work I get to do is the reflections of the teachings that come back to me. I always receive some type of wisdom, healing or blessing from the experience, whether it’s a private, group session or a speaking event.
Whatever the message is that I’ve conveyed I am somehow reminded of how it applies to me as well and it guides me towards the next stage of my growth.
Being aware of the subtle messages that are being sent to guide us forward is very empowering.
Last weekend at the Soul Full Day conference, I guided a group of 70 women through a visualization meditation to identify and let go of a fear story holding them back from what they truly wanted for their life, freedom to live their love story.
It was remarkable to witness them releasing the fear and claiming their love stories, seeing and feeling themselves living in the higher potential of their dreams.
This week I’ve been deeply reminded of the fear story that I’ve been carrying, ‘not being well enough to live a fulfilling life because my digestive health is failing’.
This is the same story my grandmother carried, and she died in fear with this story in her which was unconsciously passed on to me, and I accepted it.
For 8 years now I’ve been having various challenges with my digestive health. I’ve seen many different professionals and tried many different remedies and lifestyle changes. Some have worked and some haven’t. Over time things seemed to have mostly settled, then just a month ago the issues flared up again in a bigger way.
This brought up the old fear story for me as I prepare for a trip of a lifetime. I’m going to Egypt on a sacred pilgrimage to the visit the lands and ancient sites with 13 other women. This will be my first trip overseas and I’ve always been fascinated with Egyptian history, never thinking I would get the opportunity to visit until it showed up to me. I was very drawn to go, and decided I was going, even though it felt way outside my ability to be able to take such a trip.
Worries and a wide range of emotions have been coming up for me since these flare ups have been happening. My mind races and makes up stories based in old fears.
What if I am not well enough to fully experience this trip? What if I am stuck in my room and miss the tours, or what if I am not able to digest the food there? All that disappointment and money spent if I might not be able to full experience it.
These stories are very similar to what my grandmother used to tell herself. She was afraid to go far from home, let alone on a plane to another country. Everything centred around her digestive limitations and she was petrified of having an ‘accident’ while out in public. These fear stories debilitated her and she became a hermit and was very lonely in her later years.
I will never forget seeing her in the final days of her life living in fear. I visited her almost every day and seeing her like that was very sad because there wasn’t much I could do other than comfort and reassure her that she would be ok.
What it did do was motivate me to face my own fears and not go down the same path as she did. In this regard, she was a great teacher to me and not long after she transitioned I was divinely guided to take the Radical Forgiveness Master Coach 10 day training in Atlanta.
It was a huge step for me, and again way outside my comfort zone, but in the end it was one of the best things I could have done for myself because it set me on the trajectory of facing my fears, and the journey of living my love story.
I am eternally grateful to be on this path of self-forgiveness and self-acceptance just as I am, and in time I have learned to love myself. I’m still on this healing journey however this year I’ve had some major shifts in this area of my life and feel truly worthy and deserving of this love for myself because I have freedom from the fears.
This is where the synchronicity comes in again.
It just so happens that this Friday, the day I fly to Egypt, is the 9 year anniversary of my grandmother’s passing, and it’s a full moon! You just can’t make these things up. I didn’t realize the mysterious alignment of these dates until just a few weeks ago.
In numerology the number 9 represents endings and completions and I have a strong intuitive feeling that this trip is going to be transformational for me as a new beginning.
The other day when I was dancing my grandmother came to my mind, she was dancing with me, and I know she is leaving me these breadcrumb signs to follow to complete this stage of my journey. I made a promise to her that I was going to end the cycle of fear she carried and commit myself to healing into wholeness.
I have no doubt that this is all happening for me, rather than to me. And unlike my grandmother, I will face my fears and take this trip and I will trust in the divine unfoldment of it all.
I am reminded that everything is always working out for me, even if it doesn’t seem that way and she is cheering me on all along the way.
These are the same phrases I spoke to the women when I was on stage just a few days ago and they echo loudly in my mind as the beautiful blessings of having the freedom to live my love story.
If you would like to experience the guided visualization for yourself listen to the audio recording so you too can be free from your fear story and claim your love story.
In my next blog I will share about my travel adventures so stay tuned, and if you would like to be notified when I share it you can join my email Love Letter list at the bottom of this page.
Until next time… thank you for being here.