Do you notice that over the last couple of years time seems to be moving faster? Before you know it it’s the end of the year and here we are almost done another decade!
There is so much going on with us, the world and beyond, and time feels like it’s moving so fast, because it is!
It has to do with our evolution in consciousness and our vibration.
They talked about this stuff many years ago with pioneers like Napoleon Hill and it’s finally becoming more mainstream and proven by science what our ancient ancestors knew all along.
We are moving into times where leaping and going for our dreams and desires is being entertained by more people than ever before. Old constructs are dismantling and new ways of being are showing up.
We are manifesting quicker and can feel and sense energy like never before, this is a phenomenon so many are experiencing, a mass awakening of consciousness.
I’m talking about the 5th dimension, humanity and our beautiful Mother Earth are shifting from 3D to 5D, and you guessed it, in the middle is 4D. If you are raising your consciousness by raising your vibration you will experience all of them.
We are all looking for answers and meaning because we know there is more to this life than what we can see in our present reality. It’s so important to do your inner work, stay the observer of your life and trust the process of remembering who you are.
Playing the Soul Adventure Game is a great way to stay in alignment with your soul and re-train your brain with positive and loving messages to yourself.
Gone are the days of prolonged suffering, we have tools and practices we can use to stay high vibe and connect to our truth while releasing what no longer serves us.
So hang on and get ready, the adventure is not over by a long shot!