See Life Through a Different Lens

by | Sep 1, 2022 | 0 comments

Dark Glasses
Rose Coloured Glasses

These two pictures are an analogy of our consciousness.

We all have false beliefs about ourselves and about the way the world works.

In our earlier years we are unaware of this, it’s like we were wearing the dark glasses that kept the light out so we didn’t see certain parts of ourselves. 

We shaped ourselves to be who we thought would be loved and accepted by our loved ones based on those false beliefs.

Then as we grew older that circle extended to other authority figures like our teachers and bosses. We lost sight of who we are. 

This doesn’t feel good and we disassociate from the pain we feel through busyness, numbing, avoiding, deflecting and denying there’s anything wrong. 

Deep down we want to be seen and heard for who we are but we are wearing the limiting belief glasses and we continue to endure painful experiences. 

Because we can’t see who we truly are and therefore no one else can either.

Eventually change finds us, as life always provides opportunities to shake us up, and those dark glasses get knocked off our head and we are temporarily blinded by the light. 

That light can be so uncomfortable and often we will retreat back to the comfort of our dark glasses. 

But there’s something within us that says, “You are the light, you are the love, there’s more!”

It’s time for a new pair of glasses.

We get to decide if we will listen to that inner voice and we often switch back and forth between glasses. 

The rose coloured heart shaped glasses make everything look inviting, and beautiful. 

We feel love and hope that we can feel this more often, but our eyes are not used to the intensity of the light and we get hurt and often retreat back to the dark comfortable glasses. 

As we do our inner shadow work of exploring and being with those parts of ourselves that were hidden from our view we feel the pain all over again. 

But the joy of viewing life through the len of peace, love and happiness keeps calling to us, beckoning us to go deeper.

So we continue to lean into the pain, we get comfortable being uncomfortable and our vulnerability makes us realize we are safe and we get to choose which glasses we want to wear every day we open our eyes to a new day.

Which glasses are you wearing most often?

Are you ready to look at your life through a different lens? 

I am a Radical Living Master Coach and healer and I teach my clients how to do the shadow work so they can receive more of the light they truly are. 

After seeing others suffer and lose their chance to change I realized life is way too short to waste my time feeling wrong, hiding and feeling sorry for myself, secretly wishing others would change to make my life better.

I got radical and took my healing into my own hands. I connected to the parts of myself that were hiding in fear and shone a light of love and acceptance onto them.

I have let so many false beliefs go and now I have room for the truth to unfold.

It’s my mission to help others upgrade their perspectives of themselves and wear the rose coloured glasses of love. 

Does this resonates with you?

Are you ready to heal and open yourself to immense love and acceptance for yourself?

I’m facilitating an online beta group book study and coaching to do the shadow work. 

This is the chance for you to work through your false beliefs about yourself, get to know those parts of you that are hidden and radically forgive and accept yourself.

You will learn tools you can continue using when the opportunities to open your heart come up.

Because they will. 

We start September 25th, check here to learn more.


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