I was asked to share from my heart at a networking event the other day. I contemplated what I would share and what has been on my heart lately. With so much chaos, pain, fear, and confusion going on in the world I’ve been focusing on building my momentum towards what I want to create because I know for a fact that our consciousness creates our reality.
We create what shows up in our life and when I was focusing on witnessing the falling apart of the old ways of being I felt down, heavy, and worried for the future.
So I decided to let that go and take advantage of the summer weather, the chance to gather with like-hearted people and spend time in nature! As I’ve been doing that and working in between I’ve not had time to follow current events so closely and I feel so much better!
I decided to write my vision for the world from my heart that I often reflect upon but had not put it into words on paper. I hope you enjoy it, it is a wonderful perspective to focus on and if enough of us hold this vision we can shift our reality for all.
From My Heart – by Lorree Appleby
I’m a spiritual life coach and I’m also a visionary, meaning I have the ability to see a higher potential in people, relationships, challenging situations, and the world at large.
Since we are speaking about momentum mojo today I’d like to share from my heart a new thriving world I envision we all live in. We know what we focus on grows so I’d like to plant some seeds in your subconscious so you can leave this event and grow them with your focused intention and mojo.
So I invite you to Imagine a New World with me. Take a couple of deep breaths, connect with your body, let yourself settle into the moment.
At this point, we don’t have to know how this vision will happen, so I invite you to surrender to your creator and all the helping spirits we have to support us to create something new, better and sacred.
Imagine a world created from our hearts, living mindfully where there is no long-term suffering or pain because we have developed ways to feel deeply and release the pain from our bodies as we are designed to do. We are no longer consumers, we are creators of our lives in healthy sustainable ways.
There is no war, only peace, kindness, and compassion for all living things.
We value each other for our uniqueness, we are free to be our true authentic self and respect others to do the same their way. We come from pure intentions that are heart-based and we validate, nurture and encourage each other to be our best selves.
We are each independently accountable for ourselves and raise our future generations to be the same. There is no blame, shame, guilt, greed, envy or abuse. We do not control one another but focus on controlling ourselves.
We lift each other up by encouraging each other to grow and shine. When we see something in someone else that triggers us we know it’s a reflection of what we want to develop in ourself, or need to heal, and we compassionately take steps towards what it is we want to change.
We are able to have parents home to raise our future generations, our schools are diverse and our children learn from experiences. We encourage them to ask questions, listen to their intuition, trust themselves, explore life and take risks that may result in mis-takes or failure because we know that’s how we learn, grow and develop into healthy, happy, intelligent humans.
We all have an abundance of healthy food grown in local communities where we share the work, take only what we need, and share with others freely who are unable to contribute, knowing we always receive what we need.
We all have fresh clean drinking water which we cherish and there are sustainable, low carbon footprint ways of producing our crops and plenty of water.
Our climate is thriving, our air is clean, nature is lush and flourishing with clean and healthy oceans and forests. Energy is free and clean, our systems are efficient, transparent and supporting the people with being independent and sustainable with more than enough for all.
Our mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health is our main priority and we accept people where they are. There are supports in place for us to heal with new medical technology that eradicates diseases and trauma held in the body.
We have returned to nature for our medicines and we have equal access to healing support with holistic methods being widely used including animals, nature, music, sound, light and movement to support us to thrive.
We do not stigmatize each other for our state of health and we support and encourage each other to heal, our minds, body and spirits. We no longer struggle with addictions because we are living from our hearts fully.
Our work is doing what we love, we share openly and authentically with each other and organically attract our ideal customers. Trading products and services with each other is widely accepted and we have plenty of time to play, relax, and go on adventures while spending quality time with our loved ones. We make time to rest, reflect and be grateful for all the goodness life has to offer.
Each person is appreciated and respected, no matter their race, creed, culture, gender, sexuality, age, ability, social-economic status or anything else that differentiates us from each other. We celebrate diversity and are not threatened by each other but curious and kind with one another.
We value and treat our elders with love, and kindness and they are cherished for their wisdom and experiences. They share their stories with us and we learn from them.
We have many supports available to all who are healing from traumas, we utilize restorative justice and have compassionate prisons where we rehabilitate the inmates to heal and repent so they can integrate back into society. We treat them with respect and love and eventually there are no longer crimes being committed because hearts have been healed.
We communicate through our 6 senses easily and nurture our inner children while expanding our innovative ideas to create even a more sustainable future for our generations to come.
Peace on Earth has come to fruition. So be it and so it is.
This is my vision for our future, so if something doesn’t resonate please let it go and I encourage you to create your own vision and read it often. It can be in one area of your personal life, business, or a world vision such as this.
Visioning and imagining how it will feel for it to be a reality is how we build momentum to bring these potentials to reality. If we can visualize it we can create it! It’s as simple as this, the more we bring our visions into our consciousness we create a new reality together!
Thank you for creating a vision for a new Earth with me.
Love it! This is my vision too. Let’s go there together. Maybe a word about the politics/polititians of the future…? Roland Zimmer
Hi Roland, I love that it is your vision too! I’m working on the politics part and will share more at another time. Thank you for reading and your comment. Many blessings. Lorree