Our Purposeful Journey

Live Radically with Lorree Appleby

One on One Coaching & Healing sessions

Lorree Appleby

Working 1 on 1 with me can create transformation in your life in just a few months. I meet you where you are in your journey determined through a private self-assessment.

We focus on what is coming up for you currently as well as looking at the past for wisdom to carry forward. We get clear on where you are and where you want to be so we can build your foundation and create opportunities for us to dive deeper and hone in on the root of the problems while connecting with your Spiritual Intelligence to create positive changes in your life.

We co-create with Spirit/Universe/God/Goddess (whatever ‘it’ is for you) to create shifts in your relationships by giving you expanded perspectives that allow you to rewrite the stories you tell yourself.

This creates a natural release of stuck energy in your body bringing you more into alignment with the true essence of your soul so you can begin to attract what and who you really want in your life organically.

I use a mixture of coaching modalities and intuitive energy healing. I am certified as a Radical Living Master Coach which encompasses Radical Forgiveness, Radical Empowerment, Radical Manifestation, and Radical Transformation. The tools are safe, easy to use, step-by-step processes that work.

I am also certified in Core Shamanic Healing as a conduit to healing with helping spirits which is energy work. I am your compassionate guide to support you in identifying what’s getting in your way and stopping you from living a life you love.

Work with me privately

Radical Healing Session - $111.00 cad

45 minute virtual session based on your needs

  • Radical Release Healing session with drumming
  • Shamanic Healing (based on what spirit guides me to do with your permission)
  • Intuitive Oracle Card Reading

90 minute Coaching Session - $222 cad

In this virtual session we will focus on the presenting problem in your life and apply Radical Forgiveness to the situation which brings relief, insights and solutions to any problem. I may also be guided to offer energy clearing during the session.

You will be asked to fill out a pre-coaching form when booking and depending on your answers you may be sent some prep work to do before we meet by email.

Add a 45 minute follow up session for a special price of $111 cad. by selecting 'Add On' - only available at check out.

Radical Healing to Be Real and Love Life

Level 2 and 3 of my Signature Coaching Program provide the most value to the client by combining private sessions, group sessions and a self-study library into a comprehensive and transformitive life experience.

Learn more

Darlene Reece

“In working with Lorree on Radical Forgiveness I was amazed at how I was able to let my emotions come to the surface and not be afraid of them. I felt totally safe with Lorree guiding me through a very deep-seated emotion that I was able to release! I felt so free! In the weeks following I found myself feeling happy and hopeful with a lot of energy that I haven’t felt in years! I have found that I am walking taller with confidence and looking forward to the future.”

Annie Balgobin

“Thank you Lorree for your transformational work. I had many shifts after our sessions. I felt lighter as a block has been lifted. Radical Forgiveness heals. Ironically, I needed someone to hold my hand in order to let go. It is your deep love for humanity that I was so drawn to. Blessings to you, I benefit from your great work.”

Glenna Courneya

“Working with Lorree has changed my life for the better.  I have so much more peace now and I have the tools to work with if any issues arise.  I have no doubt that Lorree’s own personal experience is what makes her so caring and compassionate.  She is living her purpose!”