Our Purposeful Journey
Live Radically with Lorree Appleby
Radical Living
Radical Living means thinking for ourselves, and getting to the root of something that does not feel true for us by questioning the norm and our belief systems for congruency and alignment with our values.
It means being open to other points of view with compassion and a willingness to learn more about ourselves.
When we view our past and present experiences from a different perspective we can become free from the judgments and blame we often put onto ourselves and others.
Radically re-writing our stories heals our wounded inner child and creates energetic shifts between ourselves and the outside world, which allows us to remember the truth of who we are, a unique expression of the Divine.
The ‘inner work’ is a buzzword phrase we hear often. I like to call it ‘inner play’ because as we are healing our inner child, and they become more receptive to change when we are curious and open to them rather than making the inner work a goal we must achieve.
Yes we need to commit and put effort into it however healing can be simplified when we leverage our innate, natural power and can be ok with a some messiness along the way, just like when we were kids.
I guide and support heart-centered souls on the journey of opening and healing their energetic hearts as they learn to put themselves first while also connecting to the love and support of our helping spirits and integrating the wisdom they have gained into their lives.
Being able to stay in our hearts and live in both the physical and non-physical worlds simultaneously allows us to be true to ourselves while creating change and positive forward momentum to living a life of self-confidence, peace, joy, and harmony so our inner child feels safe and free to be themselves.
As we do this sacred inner work and play we create positive shifts in the relationships around us. Our family, friends, co-workers, and communities all benefit, because we are the ripple effect that creates consciously.
You are ready to live a Radical Life:
- If you are willing to take ownership of your part in your relationships and consider them from a different perspective.
- If you are willing to forgive, leave the past where it belongs and embrace the idea that it does not define you.
- If you are willing take back your power by practicing putting yourself first and living in the present moment.
- If you are willing to connect with your true self and love and accept yourself exactly as you are.
- If you are willing to take the journey to explore the deeper meanings in life, because you know there’s more to live and you’re ready for a soul adventure!
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In January 2016 I was personally trained as a Certified Radical Living Master Coach by the late Colin Tipping, Founder and Director of the Institute for Radical Forgiveness, Inc.
Colin’s mission was to instil conscious living and create a World of Forgiveness with his spiritual technology which follows an easy, step-by-step process called the Tipping Method (TM).
The legacy of Radical Forgiveness lives on as Colin and the man who has taken on the monumental task of continuing with the work were guided to one another.
Godfrey O’Flaherty purchased the Intellectual Property of Radical Forgiveness and created the International Institute for Radical Forgiveness Leadership, IIRFL to continue expanding it’s impact in new ways across the globe.
To learn more about the new Radical Forgiveness vision I was fortunate enough to be part of, please visit their new site by clicking the logo below.