Lorree Appleby sitting on a gold bench with


You landed here because you are interested in upgrading your level in the Radical Healing to Be Real and Love Life program.

There is a small administration fee of  $22 to upgrade which would be added to the difference in the amount of the program you are upgrading to. 

Example: Upgrade from Level One $229 to Level Two $899 would be $899 – $229 +$22 (admin fee) = $692

If you would like to arrange an upgrade simply fill out the private contact form below and I’ll be in touch with you by email to make arrangements.

If you have any questions you can also use the contact form to ask them. Please allow 24 hours for me to respond to you.

The three levels of the program are on the main page here.


If you would like to split your payments there is a $11 surcharge added on to each payment to cover administration costs.

All pricing is in Canadian dollars and applicable taxes are added.

10 + 11 =